Parent Outreach and Support

The Parent Outreach and Support Exemplar Leads works to provide Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs), County Offices of Education (COEs), and Community Agency partners information about best practices in regards to parent outreach, parent education, and parent support considering culture, language differences, access to technology, and familial needs.  Additionally, these exemplar leads have leveraged the utilization of Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques as a strategy to build rapport and trust with families to ensure positive outcomes for young children.  All presentation sessions provided by these exemplar leads facilitate a connection between families, Regional Centers and LEAS to ensure that parents have accurate and informative information regarding special education services.

Exemplar Leads for Parent Outreach and Support

Elena Sanchez
Parent Outreach and Support Exemplar Lead
San Gabriel/Pomona Parents’ Place Family Resource and Empowerment Center

Elena Sachez is the Executive Director with the San Gabriel/Pomona Parents’ Place Family Resource and Empowerment Center (Parents’ Place) where the mission is to support, promote, and enhance family-focused, family-driven services for children with special needs.  Family Support Specialists with Parents’ Place provide support to families in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, and Mandarin in support of IDEA Part C to Part B transitions from Regional Centers to Local Education Agencies.  The Parents’ Place philosophy is that families with children who have special needs are like all other families, they are an integral part of the community in which they live, and they should be empowered to reach their fullest potential.  

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